We have recently received information from CBIA (Connecticut Business & Industry Association) that exempts manufacturing from shutting down. In light of this information, and because our products service the supply chain industries such as hospitals, healthcare facilities, food handling, food processing, commercial refrigeration, transportation and aerospace, it is vital that we remain open to help our country during this crisis by keeping these important industries up and running, Quality Coils has decided to remain open. We will be conducting business as usual (continuing to practice social distancing), on Tuesday, March 24, 2020. Employees will be allowed the following options for the week of March 23 – March 27, 2020:

Employee Bulletin: COVID-19 Updates

• Return to work on Tuesday, March 24th. If you return to work on Tuesday, the 24th and work the full week (Tuesday through Friday) you will also be paid for Monday, March 23rd.
• Employees may take vacation time for the week of March 23rd through March 27th.
• Employees may choose a furlough for the week of Monday, March 23rd – Friday, March 27th and return to work on Monday, March 30th.

Please let us know your decision by returning to work on Tuesday, March 24th, or contacting us by 9:00 am on Tuesday, March 24, 2020 by calling and leaving a detailed message at 860-584-0927 ext. 115 or emailing us at